Monday, October 20, 2014

The Wonder Woman in me sees the Super Hero in YOU

Wonder Woman: My prized possession
Four years ago, I was corresponding with a friend of mine in Michigan.  I responded to his check-in that my great realization from 2010 was that "I am not Wonder Woman!"   In fact, I could not have felt more the antithesis of Wonder Woman at that moment.  Life was full of transition and long, painful days of work, all resting on a bed of uncertainty inside myself and my life.  Doubtful, lost and alone are the feelings I likely would have described at that time.  

In my work as a therapist now, many of my clients arrive with deep feelings of uncertainty about where they are in life, feeling lost and alone.  Often in these moments I can see hope and so much potential for growth even when they cannot, because I am regularly reminded that it is in our greatest discomfort in life that we find we make our most profound growth.  Everyone has some Super Hero in them, and I feel it as my job as a therapist to help my clients find it.  Even in our darkest moments of self-doubt, to have at least one trusted person in our life reflect on all of our gifts, strengths, accomplishments and the potential we possess can be the key to our transition out of the darkness and into the next authentic steps of our journey.  Therapy can also provide a safe place of introspection for one to explore the patterns that have shaped one's life thus far, and then reflect on what patterns will continue to serve moving forward and which ones may not.  

My friend reached out with a simple, yet powerful gift of inspiration, a Wonder Woman mug and the words "YOU ARE WONDER WOMAN!"  Even in my days when I was bogged down in clouds of self-doubt, he and several other key people reflected on the confidence they had in my ability to rise above this doubt and find my way.  And, they was right!  My life began to change in magical and dramatic ways out of that period of profound discomfort and uncertainty.  It turned out, I was not so uncertain after all, just afraid.  Overcoming my fears led directly to my authentic work, which allows me the honor to sit with others who are working to overcome their fears, a courageous and heroic journey from my vantage point.

Each day I wake up to my coffee in this cup, and know that even though I may not feel like Wonder Woman, someone sees her in me, and that gives me hope and motivation.  I am not much for attachment to material possessions, but this cup, it truly is my prized possession.

The Wonder Woman in me sees the Super Hero in YOU.

Suggestions and feedback for the blog and future topics can be emailed to  More information regarding my private practice and therapy searches can be found at

Thursday, October 9, 2014

"It will break your heart....In a good way! Listen."

It's late Sunday afternoon, I'm hot, tired and frustrated that only 3 out of the 15 things on my To-Do list are done and the weekend is almost over.  In an act of self-care and possible procrastination, I decided to ditch the list and go find some succulents to plant. As I'm preparing to leave, Ryan grabs my phone eagerly, and after a few frustrated moments of searching, hands it back to me and demands "where's Stitcher?"  Sticher is the podcast application he downloaded on my phone months before.  I find the 'app' and he dives back in to my phone.  First, I must say, this is already an uncommon occurrence for him to be diving into my phone, or to be so demanding about it.  He excitedly finds what he is looking for, hands me my phone back and tells me (read: insists), "while you are out running around, listen to this, it will break your heart."  I look up at him with a contorted, less than enthusiastic face and say, "the last thing I need is to have my heart broken right now."  "No" he says, "in a good way!  Listen."  

I said "OK", but reluctantly so, and in full disclosure I wasn't sure if I was being honest when I agreed to listen.  I could see in his eyes the "I know what's best for you look" that I tend to resist as a rule.  Although, I considered as I drove off that he's usually right, and as an avid podcast listener he rarely insists I listen to anything.  So, I was now hot, tired, frustrated, and intrigued.

I wandered off for an hour and started listening.  I listened enraptured, and it's true, these stories broke my heart, in a good way, just like he said.   The depth and inspiration in all three of these stories melted me.  I shook with tears shamelessly at the end of the second story as I walked our dog around the neighborhood that evening.

I am often asked by others, even sometimes my clients, "how can you do this work, listening to others' heartaches all week?"  My answer is my clients inspire me with the depth of their experiences, their desire to move forward, the hope they cultivate, and the growth they continually endeavor to achieve.  It is the strength of their humanity that inspires me daily, often in magical ways.  The stories in this podcast are the essence of to what I try to speak.  I am consistently in awe of the human capacity to experience such tragedy and find ways to survive and thrive through it all.

Find an hour, follow the link below and be inspired.  

Third Coast International Audio Festival
"Enemies to Friends Show"

Suggestions and feedback for the blog and future topics can emailed to  More information regarding my private practice and therapy services can be found at

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Even when you don't feel it, DANCE...the feeling will catch up to you!

Thievery Corporation playing at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach

When I learned Thievery Corporation was playing at the Belly Up Tavern, I could not believe it.  The last time I saw them you needed binoculars to see them from at least half the seats in the venue.  Was it possible I was going to be within sweat flinging distance from this awesome show?  Whatever needed to happen I was going and I was taken my friends and fellow Thievery fans with me.  We texted one another with rapid explanation points with lots of "STOKED" AND "PUMPED" mixed in our expletives about the upcoming show.

Fast forward to last Monday, September 29th.  The BIG day I had been waiting for was finally here. As my work day unfolded, my energy sank.  As I drove home to get ready, all I could think about was how much I wanted to sink into my lounge pants, the couch and a bowl of popcorn.  I could barely muster a lower case "stoke". Thankfully, there was no time to think, there was only time to look in the mirror and go 'eh, it will have to do' and rush out to meet our friends.

I am a bit embarrassed to share this story, but I tell it because this experience was an important reminder to me about simply showing up.  Not just showing up for the show or my friends, but showing up for myself.  As I danced next to a few of my favorite people, just a bit further than sweat flinging distance from Thievery, I found myself full of energy, smiling ear to ear, well aware of just how ridiculous it was for me to consider even for one second not showing up for this experience.  I kept thinking, "this is Monday night!"  I was out dancing on a Monday night, with amazing people, to an awesome band!  This is my dream, and I am living it.

After the show, I had the chance to connect with more friends, laugh, and share some fish tacos with my favorite man, and all before 11:00PM (which was my salvation for the following day).  Bliss.

What is our work without play?  What is this life if we are not dancing?

Once again, lesson learned: Even when you don't feel it, DANCE...the feeling will catch up to you!

Suggestions and feedback for the blog and future topics can be emailed to More information regarding my private practice and therapy services can be found at

Thursday, September 11, 2014

StoryCorps: Recording and Preserving the Stories of Our Lives

Story Corps

On Friday mornings, NPR airs a segment I treasure called StoryCorps.  In 2003, StoryCorps began recording stories of Americans across the country.  These stories are being preserved in the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress.

The mission of StoryCorps is stated on their website as:

"StoryCorps' mission is to provide people of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share and preserve the stories of our lives.  We do this to remind on another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build the connections between people, to tech the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone's story matters.  At the same time, we are creating an invaluable archive for future generations."

The stories aired never cease to stop me in my tracks as I listen intently, often holding my breath and sometimes my tears.  Each experience, each perspective, each story told reminds me of the stories every person carries, unknown to us.  In my work as a therapist, I have the honor of being with others as they share their stories; in this process, I am often in awe of the strength and capacity of the human spirit.

Today, on the anniversary of the attacks on September 11th, 2001, I share with you a recent story aired on StoryCorps told Sekou Siby and encourage you to keep listening to StoryCorps, and to be open to the stories of those around you, including your own.

Please follow this link for Sekou Siby's story:

Monday, September 8, 2014


Annie Milliken 

My quest to share all things wonderful in our community is getting a breath of fresh air as I consider how this endeavor can serve my newest, heart-led endeavor as a Marriage and Family Therapist Intern in private practice.  So many ideas are washing over me as to how I can craft this space as a positive place for community, shared ideas and information.  My work as a therapist provides me exposure to many wonderful resources, experiences and outlooks that are so worthy of sharing.  As I ponder integrating an old dream, this blog of community and sustainability, with my new passions, I invite suggestions of my community in creating this process.  Your thoughts and input are greatly appreciated as I move forward with this project.

Suggestions and feedback for reconstruction of my blog and future topics can be emailed to  More information regarding my private practice can be found at

Monday, February 21, 2011

Self-Realization Meditation Gardens: Community space for peace and serenity

One of my favorite places in North County San Diego are the Mediation Gardens in Encinitas, located at the Self-Realization Fellowship Retreat & Hermitage.  These gardens were created under the direction of Paramahansa Yogananda, spiritual leader, humanitarian and founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.

On a sunny Saturday, such as the day I took these photos, I found the gardens full of families and couples.  On week days, it is not uncommon to find people silently mediating on stone benches in lovely secluded corners or over-looking the ocean on the cliffs.  During these times, other visitors tend to naturally flow through the gardens in silence and harmony with those meditating.

The gardens are lush and filled with indigenous plants, trees and flowering succulents.  Several sparkling ponds, fed by small waterfalls, filled with vibrant fish can be found within the gardens.  There are mediation stones next to the ponds to sit on or benches under the trees if you want to rest, listen to the water and watch the fish under the lily pads.

It is a photographer's paradise with the sweeping cliff side vistas of the Pacific Ocean and pristine surf breaks.  It is also an ideal location to sit with a loved one or share the wonder of Southern California with a visitor.

The Mediation Gardens are situated behind the private grounds of the Self-Realization Fellowship campus which you pass on Highway 101 (look for the three large Lotus Towers).  If you turn on to 3rd street, off Highway 101, heading west, you can park along the street and head in through the gates to the gardens, which are open to the public Tuesday-Saturday 9:00A.M.-5:00P.M. and Sunday 11:00A.M. to 5:00P.M. (Closed Mondays)

There are pamphlets available at the entrance of the gardens with more information about the gardens, Paramahansa Yogananda, and the Self-Realization Fellowship.  The Self-Realization Fellowship also has a store across the street on Highway 101 with many books and beautiful gifts.  You can also find more information at

I highly recommend taking the opportunity to enjoy this lovely treasure and gift!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Willows Yoga: Inspiring wellness and community

Lauren Murphy & Sherry Schreck

About 2 years ago, my dear friend, Lauren Murphy, encouraged me to join her for a yoga class.  My previous yoga experience was limited, and had involved endless walls of mirrors, an air of competition, instructor pressure to press on into poses my body was telling me I was not prepared for, and ridiculous amounts of sweat!  Lauren assured me that I need not fear, that I was in for a nourishing experience.  With much trepidation, I entered The Willows Yoga.

The warmth and welcome of the Willows hits you as soon as you cross the threshold.  I was instantly at ease, especially when I noticed there was not a single mirror in the place and was quickly greeted with sincerity, warmth and smiles.

Sherry Schreck

Sherry Schreck, the Willows Senior Instructor, is an effervescent goddess!  Words cannot express her spirit and grace.  Every encounter I have with Sherry, I come away uplifted, inspired, and imbued with bliss.  She has the incredible, seemingly magical skill of threading a class with a lesson that each person in the room feels was especially prepared for them in that space and time.  I often chuckle, with eyes closed absorbing her words, and think to myself, "how did she know?!"

Sherry giving Justin Huebscher some helpful hints after class

My yoga practice has progressed leaps and bounds under Sherry's tutelage.  Even more, she has introduced me to a harmonious practice of yoga that integrates mind, body, and spirit, bringing a greater harmony to my life.  Sherry is also as refreshing as she is HILARIOUS!

 When I began my practice at Willows, Robin Christ was finishing her teacher training with Sherry and fulfilling her apprenticeship training during the classes I attended.  Robin's presence, expertise, and support during those early days of my practice contributed immensely to my persevere through my own insecurities and struggles with balance, flexibility and a perplexing (and, thankfully, transitory) inability to recognize my left from my right.  While I struggled through bouts of vertigo, she would magically appear behind me with that needed hold and hand of assistance.
Robin Christ

I have watched Robin grow in her yoga practice, and relished in her inspired classes as a student.   It is a joy to be in her presence!

Owner, Michelle Bollo, along with her team, have masterfully created an inviting space of warmth, serenity and health, that promotes and sustains a nurturing and growing community.  I have had the good fortune to meet so many lovely instructors and students at Willows that I am so grateful to know and share my practice with.  Much love & gratitude to Lauren for sharing Willows with me, and to Michelle, Sherry, Robin, and all of the instructors and students at The Willows!

Just being near The Willows inspired Ed into Downward-Facing Dog!

The Willows Yoga
(In the Lumberyard)
937 S. Pacific Coast Hwy Suite #C100
Encinitas, CA 92024
Phone 760-840-0414
Facebook Link to Willows Yoga

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shakti Rising: Transforming in North County

The touch of Shakti Rising is indelible in nature, often in your first encounter. That was certainly my experience. The rich, authentic community born out of the Shakti model transforms, inspires and empowers as it moves through San Diego county and beyond. I am a proud member of this community and thrilled to be a participant in their migration north.

On January 12th, Shakti Rising began offering their signature course, Transformation 101, in North County for the first time at Carruth Cellars Winery On Cedros. Many North County women have long been requesting local access to classes provided by Shakti in the San Diego area. The response to this initial offering at Carruth Cellars has been GREAT!

As a new student myself, I found it compelling how 15 women of varied backgrounds, ages and life experiences could so effortlessly come together and transform a space, as well as one another in their very first encounter. Our first class meeting (out of eight), proved to be enlightening, emotional, exciting, and healing, under the expert leadership of Shakti instructors Ruthi Solari and Beth Fuller.

I would like to express much love & gratitude to Adam Carruth, owner/winemaker of Carruth Cellars for donating the use of the Winery On Cedros on Tuesday nights for our class. I was inspired by the transformation of the tasting room into a beautiful space where an eclectic circle of women can gather in harmony with one another. As I soaked in the magic of community building in the space, I gratefully reflected on Adam's efforts that day (his day off), to clean and transform the winery production pad into a lovely space for us to gather. Thank you so much Adam!!!

One of my homework assignments for our class was "to make one tiny change" this week. My agreement was to spend 15 minutes on my blog. Much more than 15 minutes have passed now, and it feels wonderful to honor my commitment to myself and the class!

I will keep you posted on my journey with Shakti Rising. I also encourage you to learn more about this incredible organization and their work In Our Community. Visit to learn more, drop me a note, or catch me at the winery and I will be happy to share more with you about my Shakti journey.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World Minded RV Tour

We just posted about our good friends at World Minded and wanted to share a picture of thier new RV.

Charles, Karla, Ella & Payton have hit the road in this sweet ride to tour the Pacific Northwest.

If you happen to be on the coast of Oregon or Washington and see them, wave them down for a free t-shirt or Mammoth Brew!

Have a good trip you guys and please drive safe....

Monday, November 29, 2010

World Minded: Company with a mission and a conscious

[logo.jpg]"World Minded is a charitable, Eco-friendly apparel company for men, women and children with an objective to raise awareness of our individual impact on each other and the environment. Our passion for adventure and our love for the outdoors is the foundation of World Minded. By sharing stories of our featured humanitarians and ambassadors, our purpose is to do more positive things for the world and to help those who already are."                                 

Charles Perry, Founder/Owner
It will only take 5 minutes with Charles Perry for most people to recognize his esteemed quality of character, kindness, and consideration.  He easily captivates those he encounters with his willingness to listen intently and share sincerely.  His passion for life and his personal mission for the community through his company World Minded, pales only to his clear passion and dedication for his family.  As one becomes acquainted with Charles and learns about World Minded, you are easily engaged in his positive energy and motivated by his drive.

Initially, World Minded was a hobby born out of challenging life experiences for Charles.  Now, you can find World Minded gear in stores throughout the country, and on the backs of World Minded Ambassadors all over the world.  As an eco-friendly, charitable clothing line, World Minded seeks to educate and inspire through their positive messages and community involvement with environmental and humanitarian organizations, as well as in collaboration with outdoor enthusiasts and community advocates.  

As an upstart company, World Minded has been committed to sustainable practices and donations of sales from the beginning.  All of their clothing and gear are made with organic cotton or recycled materials.  They source from local manufacturers, which supports the local economy and leaves a small carbon footprint through their production.  10 percent of sales from their humanitarian clothing line are donated to designated environmental and/or humanitarian organizations, such as the Greg Mortenson's Central Asia Institute, Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots Network, Protect Our Winters, and Common River.  1 percent of ALL sales are donated as well.  The designs for their clothing line are inspired by the organizations that the funds are being donated to, and local artists are employed to create those designs.

What inspires me most about World Minded, besides the incredible people that are the foundation of the business, including Karla Kelley, Charles's wife and Director of Operations, is that it represents a corporation that started with a model that operates in harmony with our community’s interest.  In today’s business climate, this is a very unique stance.  Unfortunately, most corporations are rooted in an advanced capitalist philosophy of profit for the sake of profit, with little to no moral or ethical responsibility for the community it operates within, beyond the parameters the law dictates.  Conversely, World Minded is unabashed in its moral and ethical standards, and has consistently stood by their stance that if they cannot uphold these standards in their business practices, then they will not be in business.

Karla Kelley, Director of Operations
Wearing World Minded clothing is so much more than choosing a comfortable shirt with an awesome design.  It is about making a conscious choice and making a statement about who and what we support with our spending.  Our consumption has far-reaching effects that we are all too often unaware of in our busy lives.  When I wear World Minded gear, I support a model of business that I truly believe is at the heart of social, environmental, and economic sustainability.  I also create opportunities to discuss this new world order of business with others when they ask me “Where did you get that sweet hat?”
Justin Huebscher in Mammoth Lakes with WM trucker hat

Check out, tell your friends about it!  In the San Diego area you can find World Minded gear at Adventure 16 in Solana Beach and Oceanside.

  • Read about World Minded Ambassadors by following this link.
  • Follow the World Minded blog.  
  • For awesome tidbits of information and links follow World Minded on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

If you know of other ethical companies that are rooted in sustainable practices and community activism, we invite you to share with us on our blog or  you can email

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Autumn Hiking in North County

This beautiful weather we've been having lately inspired my friends and I to get out and go for a hike. Many of you here in North County may have forgotten about the Elfin Forest where a short drive, (30 minutes in considered short here) leads you to an area that has 11 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails. We took the main Way Up Trail, which is 5 miles round-trip and an elevation gain of about 600 feet up to the Olivenhain Dam.

As you can see from the above photo, dogs are allowed which stoked out Molly dog since she's been in a perpetual state of wonderment as to where the heck all the nature went since we moved from Wyoming.

The switchbacks ease the elevation gain and halfway up you get a great view of Escondido. Once you're at the top there are picnic tables to relax and have a snack on overlooking the reservoir.

Overall the hike took around 2 hours which included snack breaks for my cute companions (who ruled the hike at the ages 4 and 6) and a chance for Molly to catch her breath after being done in by a squirrel chase.

We barely made the 6:00 pm closing time just as dusk fell so make sure you're at the trailhead by about 4:00.

The drive to the Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve left the city behind and opened up to numerous beautiful horse ranches along Harmony Road.
Next time, I'm taking the Lake Hodges Overlook Trail which is less than another mile at the top. For driving directions and more information about the reserve, you can click here.

Written by contributor, Misty Andersen

Gavin & Grandma Meg ascending!

Carter & Molly over-looking Lake Hodges

Gavin & Carter: "time for another rest"
Gavin & Carter

Misty, Lauren, & Molly (looking for squirrels to chase)

Gavin & Carter taking a rest and checking out the sites

Molly, Carter & Gavin: leading the pack

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Community Inteface Services Holiday Celebration

The people of Community Interface Services (CIS) are near and dear to my heart.  After moving back to California, I found a home working for CIS as a program coordinator.  CIS serves people with developmental disabilities throughout San Diego County.  I encountered so many inspiring individuals during my time with CIS; the stories and experiences I shared with the staff and individuals being served by CIS stay with me as I continue my journey.  The staff at CIS are some of the most dedicated, hard-working people I know and I have been proud to share friendship and lots of laughs with many of them.

This Sunday, Carruth Cellars Winery On Cedros will be hosting a fundraiser on behalf of CIS to raise funds for a very special event:

"Your help is needed to make a magical evening come to life.  Each year in December, Community Interface Services hosts a Holiday Party for hundreds of people with developmental disabilities and the dedicated staff members who serve them.  Most people with developmental disabilities live below the poverty line and wrestle with social isolation, making our Holiday Party a very special event in their lives.  Attendance at the event consistently surpasses 400 people - the dance floor is full when the band strikes the first note and does not empty until the final encore.  Add in a little food, a visit from Santa and some socializing, and it truly is a magical evening."  ~Community Interface Services

As a former staff member of CIS, I can personally share with you how vitally important this event is to hundreds of people that CIS serves.  The supervisors and coordinators work incredibly hard to put this event on each year, and relish in the joy it gives to so many people.  

Carruth Cellars will be donating a mixed case of wine, valued over $400, to be raffled on behalf of CIS.  All proceeds will be donated to Community Interface Services Holiday Party.  Carruth Cellars will also be donating 25% of wine sales on Sunday to CIS.  

Please join us, Sunday, September 12, anytime from 1:00PM to 7:00PM.  
Wine raffle to be held at 6:30PM

Carruth Cellars Winery On Cedros
320 So. Cedros Ave. #400
Solana Beach, CA 92075
(Just south of the Belly Up Tavern~Behind Cole's Fine Flooring~Next to Project X Art: Gallery)

I am honored to help facilitate this event, along with Adam Carruth at Carruth Cellars Winery On Cedros, on behalf of all of the amazing staff members and service recipients of Community Interface Services.

For me, these are the types of collaborations at the heart of true community.  

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kickstart a Project

I have a Sunday tradition of chilling with the New York Times and a cup of coffee. It was during this favorite time of mine that I ran across the new website Kickstarter and I immediately got sucked into it for at least an hour checking out all the cool projects people are working on.

How it works is people post their projects, how much money they need to get rolling and you have the opportunity to donate to the cause if you feel so inspired. I love this idea of people helping each other accomplish artistic visions that lack of funding usually kills.

There were lots of Burning Man projects that were funded this way like the Mega-Mart Mega Store whose purpose is to satirize and provide commentary on our modern society’s need to consume and spend. It also looks like it will be one sick dance party.....

I'm a big fan of street food and it's what I lived on in SE Asia. I'd like to see a bigger movement towards street food here in the States and thought the Good Food Truck Project out of Atlanta was an awesome idea: Yummers!

There are way too many cool projects to mention so go check it out yourself and help someone out or start your own project and let us know about it!

Written by Contributor, Misty Andersen

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Real Food: Inspiration and Community

7 Strategies for Teaching Your Kids What Real Food Is - Planet Green

As I read this article from Planet Green (click the link above to read), I was reflecting on how much we have been enjoying the riches of our garden this summer! I've come a long way since my childhood days of throwing watermelon seeds in the dry dirt along side my home, and praying something would grow. Sadly, nothing did and that closed the chapter on my gardening for a decade or two. Thankfully, in my adult life, my lovely friends have introduced me to the simple and abundant pleasures of gardening. I sit here today knowing, without a doubt, that I will never grow tired of caprese salad prepared fresh from my garden; it doesn't seem my loved ones will either. It is my token pot luck contribution these days.

The beauty of gardening for me is that it connects me to community on so many levels. I am learning about the symbiotic relationships inherent in nature, as we plant, grow, prepare and enjoy. Every time we prepare a meal from our garden, we delight together in something we helped to create and how we are nurturing our bodies with healthy, organic, and flavorful foods. To prepare a meal for my friends and family with fresh pickings from my garden is so exciting and rewarding! As new plants go in, I anticipate their growth and fruit with the excitement of a child every day, as I inspect their progress. I thank them, these sweet little treasures, with such humble gratitude. How did I not know how much fun this could be as a child?

Sunday, we perused the Encinitas/Leucadia Farmer's Market. I have been eating peaches, blueberries and raspberries like candy ever since. Sunday night, we prepared a steak produced with fully sustainable practices by a local farmer. And the figs, oh the figs!!! I spent 30+ years not knowing about figs! Please, I implore you, if you are a parent or significant role model of a child, introduce them young to the pleasures and delights of "real food".

Monday, August 9, 2010

“What we choose to emphasize...will determine our lives. If we see only the worst it destroys our capacity to do something... To live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.” -Howard Zinn-

Occasionally I find myself really resonating with this postcard that was posted on this week. I start focusing on all the things wrong with the world which usually happens while I’m driving around consuming expensive gas that leads to record breaking oil company profits because I live in a place where driving is as necessary as breathing which actually seems to be the case everywhere. So I take a deep breath and try to turn my thoughts elsewhere which is why blogging has become a great tool for me to shift my paradigm.

There are so many unique individuals doing amazing things and when I start to think about them and how they have found something to live for that inspires and educates me, then my world becomes a more pleasant place. I wish we could all be solar panel, bio-diesel, composting, beer brewing, gardening, goat raising, cheese making, outdoor adventurous geeks that travel the world looking to other cultures for solutions, ideas and self expansion but, sigh, we cannot.

I think if I/we can share our passions with each other we’ll all stay inspired and excited to see the future unfold. I look forward to meeting and showcasing more fabulous people that are making things happen and hopefully we can all help each other get through these crazy times.

Thanks for reading! -Misty

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Mindful Method: Misty Andersen, Pilates Instructor

I am honored to feature my friend and collaborator, Misty Andersen in this post! In so many beautiful ways, Misty embodies the essence of organic community that we are striving for in our lives and with this blog. Misty is also an inspired Pilates instructor in Our Community, the heart of Carlsbad Village. I recently had the opportunity to start my Pilates journey with Misty...

Walking into a Pilates studio for the first time, with total ignorance of the process, I feared I had just entered a torture chamber as I scanned the room full of masochistic looking machines. Looking at Misty’s sweet face, it is hard to imagine she could be the administrator of such punishment, but I have always thought it is the sweet and innocent faces you must beware of!

After some cautionary first movements, under Misty’s expert instruction, I quickly realized these machines were actually really cool. For a 7:00 am workout, lying on your back for most of the hour playing with moving gadgets is not such a bad thing. Although, I must advise, these seemingly insignificant movements, in a prone position, do catch up with you the next morning!

It is a special treat to see a dear friend in their professional element. It often unveils components of their essence that you have not yet had the opportunity to experience. Training with Misty in Pilates, I was able to witness her in a role of expert, professional, and skilled instructor. As awkward as it is to take on a new exercise regimen in unfamiliar surroundings, I felt surprisingly comfortable with her calm, relaxed, and attentive approach to coaching. Misty also brings her subtle, spot-on sense of humor to her Pilates instruction, which makes your training session glide along with laughs, as you feel the burn.

Health and wellness are so vital to our individual sustainability, as it is to our community’s sustainability. Finding a fitness routine that you can maintain is a must! One of the gifts of working out under Misty’s tutelage is she compels you to keep coming and to keep striving for your own health and fitness. If you are in the North County San Diego area, I highly recommend trying Pilates with Misty Andersen and supporting a LOCAL, small businesswoman. You will feel stomach muscles you never knew you had!

Check Misty’s website out at for more information or call 310-698-2256 to learn about her new client specials.