I am honored to feature my friend and collaborator, Misty Andersen in this post! In so many beautiful ways, Misty embodies the essence of organic community that we are striving for in our lives and with this blog. Misty is also an inspired Pilates instructor in Our Community, the heart of Carlsbad Village. I recently had the opportunity to start my Pilates journey with Misty...
Walking into a Pilates studio for the first time, with total ignorance of the process, I feared I had just entered a torture chamber as I scanned the room full of masochistic looking machines. Looking at Misty’s sweet face, it is hard to imagine she could be the administrator of such punishment, but I have always thought it is the sweet and innocent faces you must beware of!
After some cautionary first movements, under Misty’s expert instruction, I quickly realized these machines were actually really cool. For a 7:00 am workout, lying on your back for most of the hour playing with moving gadgets is not such a bad thing. Although, I must advise, these seemingly insignificant movements, in a prone position, do catch up with you the next morning!
It is a special treat to see a dear friend in their professional element. It often unveils components of their essence that you have not yet had the opportunity to experience. Training with Misty in Pilates, I was able to witness her in a role of expert, professional, and skilled instructor. As awkward as it is to take on a new exercise regimen in unfamiliar surroundings, I felt surprisingly comfortable with her calm, relaxed, and attentive approach to coaching. Misty also brings her subtle, spot-on sense of humor to her Pilates instruction, which makes your training session glide along with laughs, as you feel the burn.
Health and wellness are so vital to our individual sustainability, as it is to our community’s sustainability. Finding a fitness routine that you can maintain is a must! One of the gifts of working out under Misty’s tutelage is she compels you to keep coming and to keep striving for your own health and fitness. If you are in the North County San Diego area, I highly recommend trying Pilates with Misty Andersen and supporting a LOCAL, small businesswoman. You will feel stomach muscles you never knew you had!
Check Misty’s website out at www.themindfulmethod.com for more information or call 310-698-2256 to learn about her new client specials.